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  >>  Thermowelded Polyester Electrifeutre®
  • R : D02
    D02 - E. Bourgeois

Thermowelded Polyester Electrifeutre®

Product description

Thermowelded Polyester Electrifeutre® felts

Construction :
-  100% Polyester fibres.
- Fibres assembled by thermowelding without binder.
- TST         : without reinforcement yarn.
- TST 2 FR : with reinforcement yarn  lengthways to have a good breaking resistance.

Applications :
- TST         : Taping of motors sections,complexes making, with various films and mica splittings.
- TST 2 FR : Taping requiring a higher breaking resistance than TST. The reinforcement yarns avoid elongations or putting out of shape during impregnation.

Concerned industries :
Big electrical equipment: rotors, electrical motors, transformers,
condensers, complexes.

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