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I. Cord - Thermic seal

  >>  Cetaver® square section cord
  • R : I03
    I03 - E. Bourgeois

Cetaver® square section cord

Product description

Cetaver® square section cords

Construction :
- Made of :
  - BRAID = Discontinuous or continuous glass yarn interlaced in layers.
  - CORE  = Discontinuous or continuous glass yarn (Verranne).

- UNBLEACHED (Textile ensimage). This is the standard quality.

- The cords are braided and get the reference :
  "V" with the discontinuous glass yarn.
  "SV" with tje discontinuous and continuous glass yarn.

Applications :
- Thermic seals. Ovens, Boilers.
- Insulation.
- bindings.
- Reinforcement for collector.

Choice of the reference

To select a reference

To select the quantity