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B. Coated sleeve

  >>  Cetaver® 1.2.3 Epoxy braids sleeving
  • R : B08
    B08 - E. Bourgeois

Cetaver® 1.2.3 Epoxy braids sleeving

Product description

Cetaver® 1.2.3 Epoxy braids sleevings

Construction :
- Round and hollow glass fiber E braid with tight stitches.
- Slightly impregnated with epoxy resin and heat treated in order to :
  Partially eliminate impregnation and block the sleeving in order to flexible and resistant to crushing and fraying.

Applications :
- Ovens, furnaces, heating appliances, electric dryers.
- Domestic appliances, soldering irons, heating resistances.
- Various cables.

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