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A. Adhesive tape

  >>  Adhesive tape for masking
  • R : A09
    A09 - E. Bourgeois

Adhesive tape for masking

Product description

Adhesive tapes for masking

Construction :
-  Support :
   Smooth paper for the ref. R 104.
   Finely crimped paper for the ref. R 513.
   Polyester film 50µ for the ref. R 295.

Applications :
- External insulation of bobbins (small motors).
- For masking in painting industry, coachbuilding.
- For holding insulated products on inductor bobbins.
- Multi-uses in industry.

I select this reference which interests me
specifications UNIT R 104 R 513 R 295 R 104 R 104 R 513 R 295 R 104
1 - Nature of the support Papier lisse Papier finement crêpé Film Polyester Papier lisse Papier lisse Papier finement crêpé Film Polyester Papier lisse
2 - Adhesive Mass Caoutchouc Caoutchouc Silicone Caoutchouc Caoutchouc Caoutchouc Silicone Caoutchouc
3 - Temperature resistance °C 80 maxi 50 maxi 200 maxi 80 maxi ≤ 80 ≤ 50 ≤ 200 ≤ 80