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G. Electro technical tape

  >>  Conductive Cetaver® edged tape
  • R : G07
    G07 - E. Bourgeois

Conductive Cetaver® edged tape

Product description

Conductive Cetaver® edged tapes

Construction :
- Based on a tape Cetaver® with slevedges (unlike cut tape).
- WRAP and WEFT : Continuous glass yarn E.
- Coated with a class H resin charged with conductive products, which gives the tape a superficial determined and regular resistance.
Applications :
   This tape is used on the conductor in order to by-pass vacuums.
   For rotating machines of medium voltages from 1 to 16KV, it is recommend to use conductive products (paint, tape, etc.)
   This tape is particularly suitable for both under vacuum and pressure impregnation systems. Partial (bobbins or bars only) - Global (bobbins sets and magnetic circuits). The tape is used on straight parts of bars or sections and is compressed simultaneously with the Mica insulation. It brings their surface at the same electrical level (equipotential surface). In order to absorb the electricity created by the electrical field of the rotor, which avoids sparks (brusch discharges). This tape allows to improve the measure of the dispersal factor (delta tangent).

- The applied thickness is irregular.
- Risks for hygiene and security. They settle in the pots.
- Varying concentration during its application.

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specifications UNIT S 005 S 006
1 - Thickness mm 0.10 0.12
2 - Breaking resistance N/cm > 200 > 300
3 - Width mm 20 - 25 20 - 25
4 - Superficial electrical resistance Ohm/cm² 750 1500 2500 3500 750 1500 2500 3500